Phytocannabinoids Benefits
What Are Phytocannabinoids? Phytocannabinoids are cannabinoids that come from plants. CBD is one of the most well-known and thoroughly-researched phytocannabinoids. However, there are dozens of lesser-known plant cannabinoids that may offer medical benefits,...
The Power of Rare Cannabinoids
There are more than one hundred different cannabinoids in hemp. But, in recent years, CBD has attracted a disproportionate amount of attention. It’s true that the recognition and popularity of CBD is deserved, but this shouldn’t distract from the fact that there are...
cGMP Compliant & CBD: Why cGMP Matters to CBD
cGMP & CBD: This past week, Open Book Extracts received our cGMP certification. Having operated in compliance with the cGMP standards for the past 6 months, OBX received an “Excellent” audit rating and became certified for both Dietary Supplements and Human Food....
The Functioning Endocannabinoid System (ECS) | Open Book Extracts
Endocannabinology and a Healthy You. The endocannabinoid system (ECS) is involved in countless aspects of wellbeing. It acts as a sort of all-purpose biological thermostat, automatically correcting physical or emotional imbalances. This means that it has a hand in...
Intro to CBD & the ECS
When CBD (short for cannabidiol) was discovered in 1940 it seemed destined for obscurity. Researchers didn’t understand it, and they weren’t particularly interested in trying to. Every few decades scientists would dredge up the anonymous compound–oftentimes observing...Page 1 of 1